BSB50215 and BSB50415 vs BSB50120

What's the Difference!

Diploma Business & Business Admin
BSB50215 and BSB50415 vs BSB50120

What's the Difference

  BSB50215 BSB50415 BSB50120


Course Superseded
Enrolments Closed
Course Superseded
Enrolments Closed
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Qualification Name

Diploma of Business

Diploma of Business Administration

Diploma of Business

Release Year

Last 2 digits of Qualification code:

Last 2 digits of Qualification code:

Last 2 digits of Qualification code:

Number of Units

8 units

8 units

12 units
with speciality streams

Special Comments

You can complete the:

Diploma Business (BSB50215)


Business Admin (BSB50415)

with only 9 units

The units are preselected as part of double Diploma.

You can complete the:

Diploma Business (BSB50215)


Business Admin (BSB50415)

with only 9 units

The units are preselected as part of our double Diploma

This Qualification is offered as several specialist streams.

* BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Operations)

* BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Leadership)

* BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Organisational Development)

* BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Compliance)

Can I get credits for previous courses


2 electives may be replaces with alternative units from any other Business Services Diploma.

The units must still be relevant to this Qualification.


3 electives may be replaces with alternative units from any other Diploma.

1 elective may be replaces with alternative units from any other Certificate IV or Advanced Diploma.

Not more than 3 electives may be imported.

The units must still be relevant to this Qualification.

Only 2 electives may be replaced with currently endoresed alternative units from any other Certificate IV, Diploma, or advanced Diploma.

The units must still be relevant to this Qualification.

You would still required to complete 5 units from this Qualification's elective list.

Entry Requirements

No Academic requirements

No Academic requirements

No Academic requirements

Course Duration

Must be finished by 10 April 2022.

This date cannot be changed.

The number of months left is shown when you enrol.

Must be finished by 10 April 2022.

This date cannot be changed.

The number of months left is shown when you enrol.

12 months from date of enrolment.

Can I complete the course in less time?


There is no minimum time frame for this course, as long as everything is completed by April 2022.


There is no minimum time frame for this course, as long as everything is completed by April 2022.


There is no minimum time frame for this course.

Can I get an extension if required?


Your course MUST be completed by 10 June 2022


Your course MUST be completed by 10 June 2022


although we may charge a fee for this.

Can you assist with the course prerequisites

There are no academic prerequisites

There are no academic prerequisites

There are no academic prerequisites


Course Superseded
Enrolments Closed
Course Superseded
Enrolments Closed
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