Whilst all due care has been taken, the user understands that the information contained in Easy HR training courses should be used as a guide only in relation to legislation requirements and should not be seen as a substitute for legal advice.
Certificate of Competency courses are competency-based and users must make their own enquiries as to whether this is acceptable in their place of work.
All course material is copyright and shall not be re-sold, reproduced or distributed without Easy HR written approval.
Course fees are due on within 30 days of course booking or as stated on the invoice, whichever is sooner.
Easy HR reserves the right to require payment at time of booking by credit card.
If payment of a course fee has not been received within the stated period, an enrolment may be cancelled. An enrolled participant or company representative will always be notified prior to this occurring.
If a purchase order is provided the terms and conditions contained on our web page override the terms and conditions specified in that purchase order.
All bookings are deemed to have been placed by an appropriate approved representative of the company.
Where an account remains overdue for over 90 days Easy HR reserves the right to list that company or client's details on our defaulting clients web page. Easy HR will always contact the client and provide them with 7 days to pay the account, before they are added.
Where an account remains overdue for more than 60 days, Easy HR reserves the right to charge the client a late fee of 10% per day, plus any debts that may be incurred in the recovery of the outstanding invoices.
Easy HR reserves the right to record evidence of student participation and assessment, in written, verbal, photographic (including video) formats.
Unless specifically requested otherwise in writing, Easy HR may use any recorded evidence for future promotional, commercial and educational purposes.
This section should be read in conjuction with our standard invoice and payment policy.
If payment of a course fee has not been received within the stated period, a course may be cancelled by Easy HR. The company contact person will always be notified prior to this occurring.
If a purchase order is provided the terms and conditions contained in this invoice override the terms and conditions specified in that purchase order.
Easy HR Pty Ltd reserves the right to restrict the number of participants on a particular course. We do not normally accept more than 16 participants per course.
If our quote is based on a maximum number of participants, this will be specified in the quote.
Any agreed expense re-imbursements will be invoiced within 7 days of incurring the expense. Expenses are payable immediately on receipt of invoice.
If a course is cancelled or postponed at the clients request, all agreed expenses already incurred must be paid for in full, despite the fact training did not go ahead. Easy HR will always provide evidence of expenses already incurred.
Transfers will only be accepted in writing.
Transfers for all days of a course are only available prior to the commencement of a course.
if a transfer is made:
- 10 or more working days prior to the course commencement, No transfer fee will be charged.
- less than 10 working days prior to the commencement of a course, 50% of the scheduled course fee will be charged.
- less than 3 working days prior to the commencement of a course, 75% of the scheduled course fee will be charged.
Despite the above scale, the client will still be required to re-imburse Easy HR 100% for any non refundable expenses already incurred, or any addtional expenses incurred as a result of the transfer.
Where a client requests a course transfer, and that course has already commenced, the transfer fee will be calculated based on the above percentage schedule. The fee charged will be calculated for each day transferred, and will be based on the total course fee divided by the total number of days, multiplied by the transfer fee specified above.
Cancellations will only be accepted in writing.
If a cancellations is made , however the client may still be required to re-imburse Easy HR for any non refundable expenses already incurred, or any addtrional expenses incurred as a result of the transfer.
If a cancellations is received:
20 or more working days prior to the commencement of a course, no cancellations fee will be charged.
less than 20 working days prior to the commencement of a course, and administrative fee of 20% of the scheduled course fee will be charged.
less than 10 working days prior to the commencement of a course, 75% of the scheduled course fee will be charged.
less than 3 working days prior to the commencement of a course, 100% of the scheduled course fee will be charged.
Any refund or reallocation of course fees is solely at the discretion of Easy HR.
If we conduct an in house consultation course at your workplace, we will not charge you for particpants to attend missed days on one of our public courses if they have missed days on the in house course.
Limit of 3 missed days per in house course and 2 missed days per particpant. (The total number of missed days is the sum of the number of days missed for each particpant.)
Catch up days in excess of this allowance will be charged at the standard missed days fee.
Where participants are scheduled to catch up missed days at an Easy HR public course, preference will be given to full fee paying clients. Catch Up students will be placed on a standby list until 7 days before the course, when availability will be finalised.
Easy HR is approved my multiple regulators. These regulators require a minimum standard for trainng facilities. Failure to comply with this requirement may affect our training accreditation and approvals.
The trainer has a right to refuse to commence training if a suitable venue is not available.
As a guide a suitable venue will have sufficient lighting, chairs for all particpants, tables, comfortable temperature, and be in a quiet part of the workplace.
If requested Easy HR can visit your workplace prior to the training to confirm that your venue meets the SafeWork NSW requirements - addtional fees will apply .
This section should be read in conjuction with our standard invoice and payment policy.
Course fees are due on within 30 days of course booking or as stated on the invoice, whichever is sooner.
If payment of a course fee has not been received within the stated period, an enrolment may be cancelled. An enrolled participant or company representative will always be notified prior to this occurring.
If a purchase order is provided the terms and conditions contained on our web page override the terms and conditions specified in that purchase order.
All bookings are deemed to have been placed by an appropriate approved representative of the company.
Course bookings are made on a per seat basis. The participant names provided at the time of booking are for our own administrative use only. Clients may substitute particpants at any time.
Transfers will only be accepted in writing.
Course transfers are only available prior to the commencement of a course.
if a transfer is received:
- 10 or more working days prior to the course commencement, No transfer fee will be charged.
- less than 10 working days prior to the commencement of a course, and administrative fee of 30% or $75 (whichever is the lesser) will be charged per transfer per person. This fee will not apply if the 'lost day safety net' was elected at the time of booking the course.
- less than 72 hours prior to the commencement of a course, will be deemed to be a missed training day. (See Missed Days and Lost time Safety Net)
Despite the above scale, the client will still be required to re-imburse Easy HR 100% for any non refundable expenses already incurred, or any addtional expenses incurred as a result of the transfer.
Participants may only transfer their course once under these terms. Subsequent course transfers will be treated as cancellations, and particpants may be required to re-enrol at full price.
Cancellations will only be accepted in writing.
If a cancellation is received
- 10 or more working days before course commencement, a full transfer is available, or up to 90% of the course fee will be refunded. A minimum of $50 will be held as an administration fee for all cancellations. This fee will not apply if the 'lost day safety net' was elected at the time of booking the course. The lost day safety net is only available for courses of 2 or more days duration.
- less than 10 working days prior to the commencement of a course, no refund is applicable. However a transfer to another course is acceptable, but this transfer must be made arranged at the time of cancellation. Standard transfer terms will apply.
If no notification is received and there is non attendance at the course, no refund will be made.
The above does not apply, and there will be no refund if you have received a discounted enrolment fee.
If a participant fails to attend a course, course fees will not be refunded or allocated to another program.
If the nominated delegate is unable to attend a scheduled course or part of a course, substitute particpants are always welcome to attend.
Easy HR may send course reminders, but it is the delegates responsibility to ensure they attend the course on the scheduled date.
If a participant fails to attend a single day of a multi day course, then that participant may attend an alternate public course to make up the missed days.
A daily fee will be charged for any days made up at an alternate course.
This fee will not apply if the 'Lost Day Safety Net' was elected at the time of booking the course.
The 'Lost Day Safety Net' allows you to transfer a single day of your course to the equivalent day of another course without further penalty.
You must elect the 'Lost day safety net' at the time of booking the course.
The lost day safety net fee must be paid for at the time of booking the course.
If required, a separate safety net must be purchased for each participant. Where multiple participants are registered on the same form, you should clearly indicate who the safety net applies to. If the information is unclear, Easy HR will apply any purchased safety net to the first participant/s listed on the enrolment form.
The 'Lost Day Safety Net' is only available for courses of at least 2 days duration.
Provided we are advised at the time of booking, Easy HR does not charge a fee for delegates attending more than one scheduled course to complete all required modules.
Splits arranged within 10 working days of course commencement will be treated as transfers.
If a split has not been arranged, any missed days will be considered 'missed days', an a fee may be charged to attend a 'catch up' day.
It is the particpant's responsibility to ensure courses are completed within any statutory timeframes.
Easy HR Pty Ltd reserves the right to cancel, postpone or re-schedule courses due to low enrolments or unforeseen circumstances. Should this occur a full refund will be provided.
Easy HR Pty Ltd reserves the right to change course fees, dates, content, speakers or method of presentation at its discretion.
If a course is overbooked, delegates who have paid prior to the course commencement will be given priority.
Easy HR will contact participants if their enrolment has been cancelled due to an outstanding payment.
Course fees are due on within 7 days of course booking or as stated on the invoice.
If payment of a course fee has not been received by the due date, an enrolment may be automatically cancelled, without further notification. Any discount applied to the cancelled invoice, may not be applied to a subsequent invoice or enrolment.
Access to training resources will not be provided until the account has been paid in full, or alternative written arrangements are in place.
Transfers between courses will only be accepted in writing.
A transfer fee may apply.
Please contact us to determine whether this may affect you.
Cancellations will only be accepted in writing.
Easy HR does not provide refunds for any distance courses.
Any refund is at our discretion, and we reserve the right to retain a processing fee.
If a delegate fails to complete a course within the time permitted, course fees will not be refunded or allocated to another program.