Easy HR is a Registered Training Organisation. Our RTO number is 91334. This means that we are approved to display the Nationally Recognised Training Logo on relevant courses. All our Nationally Recognised training is competency based. This means that there will always be an assessment as part of your training. In some cases your will be required to complete the assessment in your own time, after the course.
We offer a number of full Qualifications, in the Health and Safety and Business fields. These are offered online, via workbooks, or we can offer the courses as a face to face course in your workplace. If you have already completed some units from a Qualification, you may apply for credit. We won't make you complete that unit again.
You may be interested in a smaller skillset from one of the full qualifications. A skill set is a particular category of skills or abilities necessary to perform a job. Students who complete a Skillset will receive a nationally recognised Statement of Aattainment (SoA) is made up of a group of one or more training package units of competency but fewer than for a full qualification. This statement of attainment enabled students to build groupings of units of competency (skill sets) to develop knowledge and skills in specific areas.
Not every student wants to complete a full Qualification. That's why students can enrol in an individual unit from any one of our Qualifications. Some of our Nationally Recognised courses are only offered as short courses. Students who complete a short course will receive a Statement of Attainment (SoA).
We do travel throughout Australia to provide training.
Contact us if you would like an onsite course.